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Reverse skill based routing

Skill based routing is a term from the call- and contact center industry and describes an algorithm for the distribution of calls, e-mails, … as it is also used in myCC. This algorithm is used to assign calls, e-mails, chats, … (conversations) to agents...

Be a call center agent

Working in a call centre or contact center requires discipline and good communication skills. As a customer service representative, you will need to respond to complaints and questions about your business. A call centre is quite a hectic work environment, so the...

ilogixx at the call center world

ilogixx is represented at the Call Center World 2019 by the Platinum Partner Frings Informatic. There is a lot of news about our product myCC to report. In addition to a new and even more informative web site, there is also a lot of news about the product. Artificial...

Version 9.3.0 veröffentlicht

 In dieser Version sind folgende Verbesserungen enthalten: Hinweis auf neue Versionen Korrekturen für Mitschnitte von Anrufen...

Video Podcast Serie gestartet

Wir haben für Sie eine Video Podcast Serie aufgelegt um Ihnen die verschiedenen Aspekte der Call- und Contact Center Lösung myContactCenter vorzustellen. Dieser Podcast beginnt mit einer kurzen Einführung in die Verwendung des Contact Center Agent...